Markets & Bazaars
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Daylesford Railway Station -18 Raglan, Daylesford VIC 3460
Daylesford Sunday Market - Up to 110 stalls a week, free parking and dog friendly for friendly, leashed dogs! Offering New & Used items. Secondhand books, tools, clothing, household items, bric-a-brac etc New items include: plants, jewellery, Uggs & moccies, leather goods, clothing, essential oils, soaps, crystals and much more! Food - fruit & veg, cakes, fresh breads, preserves, desserts etc -
Market Place Camberwell VICTORIA 3103
Camberwell Sunday Market is a Melbourne institution and operates every Sunday from 6:30am -12:30pm*
Stalls are almost all secondhand.
Founded in 1976 and still going incredibly strong; it is famous for wonderful second hand finds including retro, vintage, antique, historic and collectable goods. Always on offer is a great range of vintage and modern clothing, shoes, kids & baby items, vinyl records tapes and CDs, books, jewellery, household goods of all kind....and the list goes on.