Art & Prints

Art & Prints

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  1. Simply Secondhand / Midland Records

    Simply Secondhand / Midland Records

    7 Spring Park Road, Midland WA 6056

    OPEN 7 DAYS - SIMPLY SECONDHAND & MIDLAND RECORDS - Simply Secondhand buys and sells quality used furniture, household goods and have a huge variety of whitegoods, old tools, vintage jewellery, records and collectables on display in our Midland showroom. We boast an excellent array of interesting and top quality wares at a fair price. Check out Midland Records for all you vinyl lovers
  2. The Junkman Shop

    The Junkman Shop

    19 Capella Crescent, Moorabbin VIC 3189


    R E T R 0  |  M O D E R N  | B R I C  A  B R A C

    Don't let the front of this shop fool you, this store is a hunter's paradise! Behind the facade is a treasure trove of 7000 sq feet literally packed to the rafters with furniture of all styles; including numerous mid century and retro pieces of furniture and sideboards; Antiques, Retro Collectables, Bric a Brac, Pre Loved Clothing, Vintage Books, White Goods and Appliances, Records, Bikes, Mirrors, Prints....and the list goes on. New stock arrives weekly and is very reasonably priced. Even with stock piled high, each piece is easily accessible and you can move freely about the shop. A pickers delight!

    Click on the View Details box below for additional store and product information.

  3. Preloved Goods

    Preloved Goods

    Corner Boodjidup & Burton Roads, Margaret River WA 6285

    Here at Preloved Goods Margaret River, we stock a fabulously wide range of furniture; styles include Antique, Vintage, Classic, Retro, Funky and some modern pieces. Whatever your style, we try to cater to all tastes. We also have collectables, glassware, china, bric a brac, art/prints, outdoor furniture, vintage & industrial pieces plus much more! We are open 6 days a week.

  4. Waverley Antique Bazaar - Vintage & Collectables

    Waverley Antique Bazaar - Vintage & Collectables

    88 Garden Road, Springvale VIC 3171

    OPEN 7 DAYS (OPEN 364 DAYS OF THE YEAR) - Waverley Antique Bazaar is a huge warehouse with over 250 individual stall holders selling Antiques, Collectables, Retro, Vintage Clothing, Mid Century Furniture and wares, Jewellery plus lots more!

  5. Hunted Antiques & Collectables

    Hunted Antiques & Collectables

    37 Scoresby Road, BAYSWATER VIC 3153

    OPEN 7 DAYS - 

    Our warehouse bazaar is filled with antiques, collectables, vintage gaming, vinyl & CDs, vintage clothing, jewellery, books, art, fashion, furniture, collectable toys & figurines, man cave stuff and lots more exciting treasures! From collectable toys to war memorabilia, there's something for everyone at Hunted Antiques Melbourne. With just under an acre of antiques under one roof, you can spend hours browsing through our stalls, carefully curated by our wonderful stallholders.

  6. Amazing Mill Markets - BALLARAT

    Amazing Mill Markets - BALLARAT

    9367 Western Highway, Warrenheip (Ballarat) VIC 3352

    OPEN 7 DAYS - AMAZING MILL MARKETS BALLARAT At Amazing Mill Markets you will find a selection of vintage clothes, vintage furniture, collectables, books & comics, vinyl records, antiques, memorabilia, home decor, fine china, art, glass, coins, jewellery, books and records to name a few things.

  7. Amazing Mill Markets - GEELONG

    Amazing Mill Markets - GEELONG

    114 Bellarine Hwy, Newcombe VIC 3219

    OPEN 7 DAYS - AMAZING MILL MARKETS GEELONG At Amazing Mill Markets you will find a selection of vintage clothes, vintage furniture, collectables, books & comics, vinyl records, antiques, memorabilia, home decor, fine china, art, glass, coins, jewellery, books and records to name a few things.

  8. Amazing Mill Markets - DAYLESFORD

    Amazing Mill Markets - DAYLESFORD

    105 Central Springs Road, Daylesford VIC 3460

    OPEN 7 DAYS - AMAZING MILL MARKETS DAYLESFORD At Amazing Mill Markets you will find a selection of vintage clothes, vintage furniture, collectables, books & comics, vinyl records, antiques, memorabilia, home decor, fine china, art, glass, coins, jewellery, books and records to name a few things.

  9. Antiques to Retro

    Antiques to Retro

    128 Bathurst Street, Hobart TAS 7000

    Come and see us for quality and quirky! Rare Antique Books, Vintage Vinyl Records, Vintage & Pre-Loved Clothing, Colonial, Art Deco, Arts and Crafts, Retro & Mid Century Modern Furniture, 20th Century Tasmanian Art, Silverware, Crystal, Bric-A-Brac, Jewellery, Accessories & much more!

  10. Retro Phil

    Retro Phil

    48 Main Road, Moonah TAS 7009

    The place to visit in Moonah for refurbished retro, upcycled and industrial furniture, vinyl records as well as a range of vintage prints and collectables.

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