Featured Stores

Rare Records

7 Wallace Avenue, Point Cook VIC 3030

Open 7 days a week 10AM-6PM, Rare Records is an independent record store specialising in the coolest, rare and collectable vinyl records, CDs, Retro Gaming (consoles & games) posters, t-shirts and other music memorabilia. Also stocking a great selection of vintage hi-fi.

The Mill Castlemaine Vintage Bazaar

9 Walker Street, Castlemaine VIC 3450

OPEN 7 DAYS - Located at The Mill Castlemaine, the Castlemaine Vintage Bazaar features 2000m2 of stalls selling hand picked vintage wares. Vintage clothing, Homewares, Collectables, Vinyl and more!

Mid West Trader

Shop 1, 4-10 Ebenezer Place, Adelaide SA 5000

Mid West Trader have been slingin’ American Vintage and more recently French Vintage clothing mix in Adelaide since 1992 in The East End. Owners Jarrad and Kate started the business at 19 years of age, and almost three decades later are still passionate for their vision of authentic classic Americana that embraces rock n roll, western and heritage brands. Vintage & New Clothing OPEN 7 DAYS

About Search Secondhand

Search Secondhand is the fastest and easiest way to locate stores that offer a range of secondhand items. We understand how hard it can be finding quality secondhand stores, especially if you are looking for something in particular, so we have made it easy for you! We are a secondhand store directory that helps you locate stores based on your interests and location. We also help you locate auction rooms, flea markets, trash and treasure markets, bazaars and collectable fairs. Discover all things preloved, collectable, vintage, retro and more!

If you are searching for something in particular, whether it’s a lawnmower, washing machine, designer handbag or a retro gaming console, we’ve got you covered! Simply browse through our category section on the left column of our website and we will list the secondhand stores near you.

If you are not searching for anything in particular but love browsing around finding cool vintage items, markets and fairs, you’re in the right place! Browsing and searching through secondhand stores can be a hobby in itself! Whether you’re searching for a unique piece of furniture for your home, a wedding dress, a vintage board game, tools, artwork or an 80’s boombox, nothing is better than the hunt for the perfect item. All you have to do is place your postcode in the search section and we will generate a list of quality second hand stores located near you.

Saving the planet and saving money are just two of the many benefits to shopping secondhand. Shopping secondhand has a great positive social and environmental impact in today’s climate. Buying new items not only requires new materials, but wastes a huge amount of energy spent on the manufacturing process. Buying and giving second hand items another life not only reduces your carbon footprint, but also reduces your contribution to waste production.

Below are just some of our popular categories you can expect to see from our range of second hand stores:

Books and Comics

Vintage books and comics are amazing conversation pieces. Either scattered across a coffee table or tucked away in a book shelf, our stores will be sure to have a novel, book or comic you can’t wait to add to your collection. By clicking on our ‘Books and Comics’ category tab, you will see a list of stores with many collectable books and comics waiting for you to discover.

Clothing and Accessories

Landfill today continues to be filled by huge amounts of textile waste, buying your clothes secondhand is a great way to tackle this important environmental issue and look great while doing it. By clicking on our ‘Clothing and Accessories’ category tab you are sure to find an amazing store near you.

Music- Records, CDs and Hi-Fi

Looking to add to your record / vinyl collection? You’re in the right place! Music memorabilia is a great way to bring back old classics and celebrate art in a nostalgic way. By clicking on our ‘Music- Record, CDs and Hi-Fi’ category tab, you can browse through our stores to explore all things vintage hi-fi and vintage music, including records / vinyl, concert posters, band tees and more!